After School Clubs
At Patmos School the teachers run several after school clubs including a Debating Club, a Music and Drama Club, Christian Union Club and an Environmental Club. The teachers provide a Sports and Games Club. There is also a Photographic Club which is run by the Mwelu Foundation.
The debating club provides the opportunity for pupils to build self-confidence and helps them develop skills to express their feelings and interpret ideas.
In the music and drama club, through the medium of poetry, plays and dance the children have been learning about self-awareness and the importance of education. This club has been instrumental in developing confidence and language skills.
Claire Nasike of The Hummingbird Foundation and her colleague Ivy, together with teacher Judith, have been running the Environmental Club where the children are taught conservation as well as the importance of keeping their local environment clean. There are over 20 children who attend this club and they are now actively involved in keeping their school environment and surrounding areas clean and tidy.
For the past few years children from the school have also been awarded places by the Education Department of AFEW (K) Ltd to attend the Giraffe Centre where they learn about ecology and conservation.
Click here to read about the trip the Giraffe Centre in 2019
Click here to read about the Ecology trip in 2019
In February 2020 a Scouts Club was formed at Patmos School. The club is aimed at instilling the fundamental basics of Scouting in the young person and fostering the spirit of fellowship, respect for God, and patriotism. The scout movement is dedicated to building character and giving young people the skills to be better people and citizens.
When the new Patmos School building has been completed it is hoped that Patmos School will also be able to reintroduce a computer club into the after school curriculum.

Music and Drama Club

Ivy from the Hummingbird Foundation giving a talk to the environmental club

The Scouts Club which was formed in 2020