Mr. Stephen Spencer from the USA visits Patmos Cottage School
In 2019/2020 with funds so generously donated by Mr. Stephen Spencer, Orphan Outreach Board member, the new Patmos Cottage School building was constructed.
The school fraternity were delighted to meet with Stephen, to thank him personally and to show him what a huge difference the new school building has meant for the lives of the school children, the staff and the local community as a whole.
Below is a report of this momentous visit written by one of the teachers:
On Friday the 3rd of June 2022, Patmos fraternity receive a very distinguished guest. This was none other than Mr. Stephen W. Spencer, who was a lead partner in donating funds for the construction of the school building. He was accompanied by the director of Yatima Orphan Outreach Mr. Tom Wambulwa, Yatima projects officer Ms. Sophie Owuor, Yatima head of sponsorship Mr. Elijah Wekesa and Ms. Elizabeth, a guest from Tanzania.
On the ground to receive him was the Patmos school team led by the Director and Founder Mr. Richard Wanjala. In the company of a few pupils, he unveiled the plaque that displays his benevolent role and proceeded for a tour, around and within the school. This was crowned at the school playground where he was entertained with a speech, traditional songs/dance and a poem by the pupils.
Mr. Richard Wanjala, Mr. Nyongesa (community representative) and Yatima Outreach team gave speeches of welcome and appreciation. The guest also gave his speech. A cake was cut in his honor and he was presented with a gift by the pupils. This was followed by refreshments in the school library and a photo session. After signing the visitors’ book the guest and his entourage left.
Below is the speech that was made to him by the pupils’ representative as an expression of their gratitude.
Our distinguished guest of honor Mr. Stephen Spencer,
Yatima Orphan Outreach Director Mr. Tom Wambulwa,
Board members present,
Patmos Cottage School Founder Mr. Richard Wanjala,
Parents’ representatives,
All staff and colleagues, pupils, good morning.
Today marks a joyful and unique historical milestone in which the adage saying, “Seeing is believing” becomes a reality. This is happening in two ways;
First, the earnest longing of the Patmos fraternity to meet the angel that God used to give us this magnificent building hence turning our lives around
Second, you, our distinguished guest, getting the opportunity to not only see but also touch the fruit of your generosity.
As Patmos fraternity, we are eternally grateful to God for using you and your friends as His channel of blessing towards us, and also to you for allowing His sovereign will to thrive through you.
Our prayer for you and your friends is embodied in the word of God according to Matthew 25:40,
I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me”
Orphan Outreach has been working alongside Patmos School since 2012 raising much needed funds for the school operational budget, for school stationery and equipment and supporting the School Feeding Program. Their dedicated supporters have also raised funds for the purchase of land over recent years and for the building of the school bore hole as well as for solar panels for the new Patmos Cottage School building.
To read more about the new Patmos Cottage School click here
To read more about the construction of the new school building click here
To read about the Dedication ceremony click here

Stephen Spencer with the Founder of Patmos Cottage School, Richard Wanjala Manya.

Stephen Spencer with the Director of Yatima Outreach, Mr. Tom Wambulwa.