Patmos School today has come a long way since those early days back in 2006 when Headmaster Richard Wanjala Manya ran a small scale feeding program on a Sunday from a local church.
Our Partners - Yatima/Orphan Outreach USA
In February 2014 Orphan Outreach USA established their first offices in Africa in Nairobi, Kenya.
Yatima/Orphan Outreach have since 2013 been supporting Patmos School and through their kind supporters raised the funds over time to enable the purchase of the plots of land on which the Patmos School school structure was situated.
Board member donates funds for the new Patmos School Building
In 2019 the school received exciting news that Mr Stephen W. Spencer, Director and Board member of Orphan Outreach USA had generously donated the funds for the building of a new purpose built Patmos School. On the 14th April, 2019 after all the necessary legal documents and contracts had been signed, construction work finally commenced on the building of a new, permanent school for Patmos school children.
A Dedication Ceremony for the new school building was held on Monday 20th January, 2020 and the new school was completed and and was ready for the children to move into in October 2020 (the Covid 19 pandemic delayed the start of the 2020 school calendar).
To read more about the Dedication Ceremony click here
To read more about the acquisition of land for Patmos School click here
To read about the new Patmos School Building click here
To read about the construction of the new school building

The former Patmos School building.

The new Patmos School Building. March 2020
Patmos School Registered with the MOE Kenya
On the 21st February, 2020 the Headmaster received notification from the government of Kenya that Patmos School has now been officially registered with the Ministry of Education as a private primary school. This is a tremendous achievement!
Patmos School will eventually be able to enrol a total of 275 pupils.
Staff and Pupils
At the present time the school accommodates 234 children (110 boys and 124 girls) aged between 3 ½ to 15 years.
As well as the Headmistress there are 11 teachers at the school. There are two school social workers who are tasked with ensuring the general well-being of the children. There are two school cooks and two school guards.

The teaching and ancillary staff at Patmos School

School Feeding Program
Patmos School operates a School Feeding Program (SFP) which ensures each child receives a daily breakfast of porridge and a main meal.
For many of the children at the school these meals are the only food they would receive each day. Prior to setting up the SFP it was common for children to arrive at school hungry having not had a proper meal sometimes for days.
Since the implementation of the SFP the Headmaster has reported a significant drop in absenteeism at school and teachers report the children are better able to concentrate in class.
Some of the maize and beans grown at the school maize farm are used in the SFP.

The cooks at Patmos School provide a breakfast and daily meal for the children.