Patmos Cottage School Christmas Party 2023
On the 6th December, 2023 Patmos Cottage School organised a Christmas party for the children and staff.
The below report of the event was written by a member of staff.
This was the specific day set aside for our learners to wind up the year in joy and celebration. It was a day to exhibit the team spirit that exists between the teaching, on-teaching staff, social workers and the pupils.The main objectives were;-
Team building
Appreciate the challenges that marked 2020
Motivate learners to develop a positive outlook to life and diligent commitment to their studies.
Arrivals were recorded as early as 9:00am
Venue decoration was conducted by Nicholus(Social worker) alongside Tr.Requiter and Tr.Mercy.
While the venue was being decorated, sorting and labeling of gifts was done by the head teacher,deputy,tr.Ogutu and Tr.Olivia
The pupils were given sweets and biscuits to boost their morale.
Cooking was also in progress under the supervision of Jackson (the lead social worker).It was carried out by Nancy and Caroline(Kitchen staff)with the assistance of an outsourced chef.
Tr. Shitiavai supervised face painting on the pupils. It was carried out by an outsourced expert. An average number of 136 pupils had their faces painted with fancy designs.
At around noon, entertainment kicked off, under the able supervisor of Tr.Sarah,Tr.Judy and the head teacher. Items presented included dances, news reporting,beauty pageant. Egg and spoon balancing among others. Grade four learners led in singing a Christmas carol, Joy to the world.
Captivating speeches were made by the head social worker (Mr. Jackson) head teacher, deputy head teacher, the school board member (Mr.Joseph Nyongesa) and representative from local administration. They all had a similar theme: advising and congratulating the learners.
Patmos school Administrator Mr Richard Wanjala Manya presented a heart warming speech from Carol and Shaun who sponsored the party.
All attendants were treated to a hearty meal comprising of fruits, food and drinks.
Gifts were then presented to the learners. They included geometrical sets for class 7 and 8 school bags for grade one to class six pupils and colorful lunch boxes for preschoolers. Pupils who displayed exemplary virtues throughout the year were also recognized and rewarded.
An exciting photo session followed where learners proudly displayed their presents. Those who were absent had presents reserved for them.
A total of 145 pupils graced the event, accompanied by all staff.
Closing prayers were made and everyone dispersed around 5:00pm
A few challenges such as;-
Poor time management and faulty public address system were experienced but they did not dim the excitement of the event.
Room for future improvement includes sorting and labeling the gifts and venue decoration to be done day before. Power back-up and testing of the P.A to be looked into.
The moderator for the day was Tr.Kennedy
Our thanks to everyone who helped to make this event so enjoyable for the children. Our appreciation also goes to Orphan Outreach for funding the gifts of school backpacks, lunch boxes and geometry sets.

The above photos show the children and staff listening to speeches from the Headmaster and representatives from Yatima Outreach and the community.

The above photo shows a child receiving a certificate during the awards ceremony which commended children for their hard work during the school lockdown.

The above photos show the children and staff receiving enjoying their Christmas meal.

The above photos show the children participating in some of the fun activities that were organised, including skipping and face painting.