Graduation Ceremony for PP2 Pupils.
On 25th November, 2022 Patmos Cottage school held a graduation ceremony for PP2 pupils. The event was to celebrate these children transitioning to Grade 1 in January 2023 and was attended by parents/guardians, teachers and all the children.
The event which was organised by PP2 class teacher Madam Resquiter Imali, commenced at 11.00 am in the school recreational area. Teachers and children had decorated the room for the occasion with banners, brightly coloured decorations and balloons. Parents and guardians of the children had all been invited to the event and they started to arrive at 10.30 am.
The PP2 graduates congregated in the school parking area for a group photograph with their class teacher. At 11.00 am the graduates marched to the school recreational room led by their teacher where the ceremony then commenced with them all singing a song. In total there were 22 children graduating to the Grade 1 class.
The event host Assistant Administrator Peter welcomed all the parents/guardians, staff and children. Teacher Mary led a worship session and ended with a prayer. The entertainment then commenced with a traditional song and dance performance by the PP1 class pupils which was followed by a drama presentation by the Grade 5 class.
Once the entertainment had concluded, there then followed and introduction session whereby the teachers all introduced themselves to the congregation and the parents/guardians of the graduates were then asked to introduce themselves giving their name, the name of their child and were encouraged to give a short speech.
After the speeches and introductions had finished, the host presented the pupils with their achievement certificates. The pupils were accompanied by their parents when awarded the certificates.
Thereafter a special celebration cake which had been baked especially for the occasion, was ceremoniously cut by teachers, parents and children. All the children received a slice of the cake.
At the end of the Graduation ceremony, a parent gave a vote of thanks to the teachers in a show of appreciation for all the hard work they have put into ensuring their children receive a good standard of education in a safe learning environment.
The ceremony finished at 14.00 pm.