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Visit by the County Regional Director of Education 

On the 13th July a preparation meeting was held at Patmos Cottage School ahead of the visit by the County Regional Director of Education (RDE) on the 15th July.  The meeting was attended by Directors of APBET schools within the Hospital ward Mathare.  It was convened by the  National Secretary of APBET schools, Mr Barasa,  who is the  proprietor of Genesis Joy school. 


APBET schools (Alternative Providers of Basic Education and Training) are a significant provider of education in Kenya; particularly in urban, informal settlements.  They are recognised as an organised form of learning set up to deliver basic education and training to the disadvantaged persons who due to various circumstances cannot access formal schools. 


On 15th July preparations for the visit of the County Regional Director of Education began early in the morning.  A catering team arrived and outsourced tables and chairs were arranged in the school playground which is situated on the third floor of the new school building. 


Directors, Head teachers and delegated teachers started to arrive at Patmos Cottage School at 09.00.  They had informal discussions about in-house matters as they waited for guests to arrive.


At 11.00 other guests arrived, including APBET representative from the National Committee and the representative from other sub county schools.


A welcome speech and short history of Patmos Cottage School was given by the host, Founder and Director of the school, Mr. Richard Wanjala Manya.  The main meeting then commenced and was moderated by Mr. Mayodi one of the members of the Executive Committee of Hospital ward APBET schools.  After a brief introduction of the guests, pupils from Patmos Cottage School staged a presentation.  Thereafter, the Regional Director of Education (RDE), gave a power point presentation in connection with the requirement for junior school secondary registration and management of competency based assessment at primary school level.


After snacks and refreshments had been served the Directors, Head teachers and delegated teachers held another meeting to discuss the APBET welfare.  The meeting was adjourned at 1.00 when the guests departed.


The guests commented how very impressed they were with the new Patmos Cottage School building.  They also gave thanks for the hospitality afforded to them and for the school hosting this important meeting.







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Patmos Cottage School staged a presentation for the distinguished guests.  July 2022

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