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Orphan Outreach USA Mission Trip to Patmos Cottage School Jan 2023

On Monday 17th January, 2023 a Mission Group from Orphan Outreach USA visited Patmos Cottage School.  The Orphan Outreach team leaders were Amy Norton (Vice President of Strategic Partnerships) and Tiffany Taylor Wines (Vice President of Development).


Orphan Outreach have been working alongside the school since 2012 raising much needed funds for the school operational budget, for stationery and equipment and supporting the School Feeding Program. 


In 2019/2020 with funds generously donated by Mr. Stephen W. Spencer of Orphan Outreach the new Patmos Cottage School was built.


Their dedicated supporters have also raised funds for the purchase of land over recent years and  for the building of the school bore hole as well as for solar panels for the new Patmos Cottage School building. 


Below is a report written by a member of staff at Patmos Cottage School of the visit by Orphan Outreach and the Mission Group:


“On Tuesday the 17th of Jan 2023, Patmos fraternity received distinguished guests. This were none other than visitors form Orphan Outreach with their friends from Texas, USA. They were accompanied by the director of Yatima Outreach Mr. Tom Wambulwa, Yatima projects Officer Ms. Sophie Owuor, Yatima head of sponsorship Mr. Elijah Wekesa.


On the ground to receive the 12 strong group were the Patmos school team led by the Director and Founder Mr. Richard Wanjala Manya in the company of all Patmos Cottage School staff. The visitors arrived at around 0930hrs.

Upon arrival the visitors were welcomed to Mr Richard’s office  where they left their belongings and gifts .Thereafter they were taken on a school tour starting from outside to see the physical structure of the school and also our old school and water points.  The guests were then shown the school offices, the kitchen and the playground.


After the tour our visitors were taken to the library for a ribbon cutting ceremony and unveiling of a plaque in recognition of the kind family who had previously raised funds for the purchase of books.  This ceremony marked the official launch of the library.  There followed a small meeting where  speeches were made by  Mr. Richard Wanjala, Headmistress Peragia Masinde, as well as In-Country Director of Yatima Outreach Mr. Tom Wambulwa and other members of the Yatima Outreach staff.  The library is significantly impacting learning and performance at the school.


After the speeches our visitors proceeded to our playground for a Vocational Bible Study session (VBS) with our learners. It started by activities such as balloon bursting, modeling and dancing. The pupils were then grouped according to ages forming a total of four groups and were assigned two visitors  each for a class  session. The theme of the VBS was thanks giving.


In the afternoon speeches were made by Elvis for the graduate program, the top student of the just completed exam, the second best student and lower and upper primary teachers.  Gifts were then awarded to teaching and social work staff.


The meeting was concluded by a vote of thanks and a closing prayer was said  by Teacher Resquiter.  The visitors left Patmos Cottage School at around 1630hrs.



On Friday 20th Jan 2023 Orphan Outreach members and the Mission Group visited Patmos Cottage School again where they took part in home visits. A total of 10 families were selected by our social workers for these home visits. The group arrived at 1430hrs accompanied by Mr Tom Wambulwa of Yatima Outreach. The visitors had purchased items including maize flour, wheat flour, sugar, cereals, cooking oil, tea leaves as well as bars of soap and washing powder which they delivered to the families during the home visits. 


The visitors were divided into groups of two forming a total of 5 groups and at least 3 staff from Patmos Cottage School  were assigned to each group.  The visitors were warmly welcomed by the families during the home visits and were able to speak with family members and to pray with them before donating two shopping bags of food items and hygiene products to each family.”


Patmos Cottage School is very grateful to Orphan Outreach for arranging this visit and for their kind donation of motivational and spiritual books as well as assorted games materials and crayons.


During the visit gift bags which comprised of small writing pads, pens, pencils and cream lotions were donated to the teaching staff as a gesture of appreciation for all their hard work and commitment to the children.  



The new Patmos School building comprises three floors.  On the ground floor are the school offices and  washrooms as well as a large kitchen and store room.  The Pre-school classroom and Grades 1 and 2 classrooms are also on the ground floor.


On the first floor are the classrooms for the Grades 3 - 7 classes.  There is also a computer room/library and a large dining hall.


On the second floor is the Grade 8 classroom, another office and a large recreation area.  There are toilets/washrooms on all three floors. 


There are currently  209 pupils enrolled at Patmos Cottage School.  As well as the Head Teacher there is a total of 11 other  teachers at the school.  Richard as the original Founder and Head of Patmos School has accepted a new role of Patmos School Administrator and Director.  There are also 2 cooks, 2 janitors, 1 caretaker, 2 security guards as well as a school social worker and 4 interns. 


All children at Patmos School receive a breakfast of porridge and a daily meal under the School Feeding Program.  Were it not for the meals provided at the school, many of the children would go hungry.  


During the period of school lockdown as a result of Covid 19, Patmos School together with Yatima Outreach continued to provide much needed support to the children through the school Distance Learning Program.  Read more


Whilst the school was forced to close for long periods in 2020, Founder and Director of Patmos Cottage School, Mr. Richard Wanjala Manya and his staff, with funding from Orphan Outreach ( Yatima Outreach) and kind donations by other supporters, ensured help was forthcoming to the families of the children by providing regular supplies of maize and flour as well as sanitisers and soap.   Richard also ensured that the families had regular access to clean water from the school borehole.  Read more 


To read about the new Patmos Cottage School construction project from start to finish and see some wonderful photos, please click here


To read about the Dedication Ceremony to the new school building which took place in January 2020 click here


To read about the history of  the land acquisition at Patmos Cottage School click here


Please click on the below link to see some great photos and videos of the new school building which were taken by international photographer Ronnie Mosley who visited Patmos School in October 2020:   







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OO 1 Mission Group visit Patmos Jan 2023.JPG

Orphan Outreach members and the Mission Group outside Patmos Cottage School. Jan 2023      

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OO 2 classroom interaction visit Jan 2023.JPG

The team interact with pupils and staff during lessons.      

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Library launch with OO JaN 2023.jpg

The launch of the school library.      

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The Founder and Director of Patmos Cottage School, Mr. Richard Wanjala Manya, addresses the visitors.      

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The In-Country Director of Yatima Outreach, Mr. Tom Wambulwa, giving a speech after the opening of the library.      

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Amy Norton of Orphan Outreach (far left ) and the mission Group are given a tour of the school premises, including the kitchen, by Richard Wanjala Manya.      

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VBS session with OO at Patmos School Jan 2023.JPG

The visitors enjoy watching and taking part in  some of the VBS activities with the children and staff.      

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VBS 1 session with OO Jan 2023.JPG
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Orphan Outreach Home visits.  Jan 2023      

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Mission Group members purchased food and hygiene items to deliver to the families during the home visits.     

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The visitors also presented the teachers with small gift bags containing note pads and pens.     

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